A little pick me up for these February blues …

After being back for my Second week at Rosemary Conley I learned that a few foods can help beat that blue mood we all feel in these long winters days.  I decided to make a soup that my leader mentioned last night at the class and it combines two of the food that help lift that mood.

Red Peppers, Tomatoes and Tumeric Soup


1 x Red Onion (chopped)

4 x Red peppers (deseeded and chopped)

1 x Table Spoon of Tumeric 

2 x 400g Cans of Chopped Tomatoes

Vegetable Stock Cube

Hot water 


1. Dry fry the onion and once it’s brown add the Tumeric and then add the red peppers.

2. Once they are slightly softened, add the cans of tomatoes and stock cube.

3. Add the hot water, at least a litre to two.

4. Let it simmer for 15-20 mins, then wil a held blender blend to a smooth consistancy.

Note: You can add oregano and basil (both dried herbs) before you blend. i used two vegetable stocks. You can freeze this too but make sure you let the soup cool COMPLETELY before you add to freezer bags and freeze!This soup is low in fat and Kcals!

Most of enjoy and I hope your soup beats these February blues away!

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